Every Tuesday in December, Black Sheep will look to its resident sheep, Sheldon, to throw a few gift suggestions your way. Together, you and Sheldon will be able to make sure that every movie lover on your list gets just the right movie in their stocking this year.

I wouldn't personally serve this one up after a lovely meal I prepared myself but there are plenty of Mom's out there who would definitely love to get a copy of JULIE & JULIA for Christmas. You could even bundle it up in a little gift basket if you wanted by matching the movie with Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" best-selling cookbook. Also, if Mom has a blu-ray player, she can use the BD live options to download the recipes in the movie as she is watching them.
And for all those geeky wizard lovers in your life, the sixth film in the Harry Potter series, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE, is now available on DVD and BD. This was definitely my favorite Potter film so far and judging from the great it business it did around the world, I dare say Potter fans might agree with me. For new Potter fans late on the game, all six films have been packaged together as well.

The Potter madness just keeps on fa-la-la-la-la-ing this year with the ultimate edition re-issues of the first two films, HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE and HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS. Personally, I feel like the second film is one of the worst in the series but you can't just skip it altogether. Each set comes with both a theatrical and extended cut of the film, features a ton of extras and comes with commemorative memorabilia. I know it seems like a lot of Potter but Potter fans never seem to be able to get enough so it should be all good.
This next film has already seen a theatrical and home video release this year but, just in times for the holidays, another incarnation of the CORALINE movie is available for admirers of the film. I was somewhat mixed on the film but there is no denying its majesty. Your kids could do a lot worse than CORALINE and any little girl should be happy to get this under the tree. The set comes with 4 3D glasses, contains all the features of the already released version and a couple more, as well as postcards. It's a lot of filler but if you don't have it already, you should just go with this edition.

Here is a brand new release today that I could have mentioned earlier but I know a little sheep who would be very happy if a BD copy of PUBLIC ENEMIES, starring the lovely Johnny Depp and the even lovelier Marion Cotillard, showed up in his stocking this year. I heard some complaints about it being slow but Sheldon loves a film that knows how to take its time, especially one as stylish as this Michael Mann gangster flick. If you're picking one up for Sheldon, you should get one for yourself too.
Happy shopping!
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