Seriously people ... who among you has not been there before? Your heat just got shut off; you're two months behind on the rent; and you're ten years out of high school and still selling coffee to loads of people doing way better than you. You've got to get out of this horrible hole! And then it hits you. What can you do that requires very little talent, will be loads of fun and has a built-in audience guaranteed to make you the big money? That's right, baby! You too can make porn! You can make porn, sell it on the internet and solve all your troubles. Let me tell you, if Zack and Miri can do it, so can you.
ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO is the latest chef d'oeuvre from everyone's favorite amateur filmmaker working in the big boys' world, Kevin Smith. It stars unlikely Hollywood it-boy, Seth Rogen and Mrs. Laura Bush herself, Elizabeth Banks. The twosome play roommates in some horrifically freezing American city who pretty much fall into the rut I described above. Now, Smith has never been known for his tact or restraint so give him the freedom to explore the good, clean world of pornographic filmmaking and you can almost certainly expect a multitude of moments that'll get your jaw dropping. This also marks a departure for Rogen. Up until now, the man has been firmly attached to Judd Apatow produced projects whenever he's been a leading man. Now, it's time to let another boy in a man's body take control apparently.

ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO made its debut at this year's Toronto International Film Festival and delighted audiences. The rest of us regular folk will get the chance to see it when it goes nationwide on October 31. Click HERE for more information.
Casting Traci Lords as Bubbles was a stroke of genius!
yay....kevin smith! cant wait to see it.
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